Are Air Rifles Legal In Uk : Everything You Need to Know

Yes, air rifles are legal in the UK. The UK laws allow individuals to own and use air rifles with certain restrictions in place.

Air rifles have gained popularity among shooting enthusiasts in the UK due to their ease of use and lower regulation compared to firearms. However, it is crucial to understand the legal requirements and restrictions associated with air rifle ownership in the UK.

Under UK law, you can purchase and possess an air rifle over the age of 18 without requiring a license. These rifles are classified as low-powered air weapons (up to 12ft/lbs for rifles), and their possession is legal for those who use them responsibly. However, it is essential to adhere to legal guidelines and safety measures provided by the UK government, such as not using an air rifle in a public place and ensuring it is stored safely. While air rifles are legal in the UK, it is crucial to familiarize yourself with the specific regulations surrounding their ownership and use to ensure compliance with the law.

History Of Air Rifles In The Uk

Air rifles have a rich history in the United Kingdom, dating back to their origins in the 16th century. Throughout the years, the laws surrounding these weapons have evolved, leading to the regulations that exist today. In this section, we will explore the origins of air rifles and the progression of laws governing them.

Origins Of Air Rifles

The history of air rifles in the UK can be traced back to their invention in the late 16th century. The pioneering work of Austrian inventor Bartholomäus Girardoni, who created a repeating air rifle for the Austrian army in 1779, laid the foundation for the development of these firearms.

Over time, air rifles gained popularity among civilians for recreational shooting and small game hunting. Their lightweight design and relatively quiet operation made them suitable for various purposes, leading to a surge in their use across the country.

Evolution Of Air Rifle Laws

  • The Gun License Act required air rifle owners to have a gun license.
  • License fees were introduced and regulated by the government.
  • The Pistols Act classified air rifles as firearms.
  • Owners were required to obtain a firearm certificate.
  • The Firearms Act classified air rifles as low-powered firearms.
  • Age restrictions were introduced for purchasing air rifles.
  • The Firearms (Amendment) Act raised the minimum age for owning an air rifle to 18.

As the years passed, several amendments and acts were introduced to further regulate the use and ownership of air rifles. These laws were enacted with the aim of promoting public safety and reducing the misuse of these firearms.

Today, owning an air rifle in the UK requires compliance with specific regulations, including obtaining a firearm certificate, adhering to age restrictions, and using the weapon responsibly. These measures ensure that air rifles are used safely and legally across the country.

Current Regulations On Air Rifles

Before purchasing an air rifle in the UK, it is crucial to understand the current regulations surrounding these firearms. While air rifles are generally available for private ownership, there are specific licensing requirements and age restrictions that must be adhered to. In this section, we will delve into these regulations in more detail.

Licensing Requirements

In the UK, owning and using an air rifle requires a specific type of firearms licence known as a “Firearms Certificate.” This certificate is issued by the local police force and is mandatory for anyone wishing to possess an air rifle. The application process for a Firearms Certificate involves various checks and verifications to ensure the suitability of the applicant.

Besides the application, individuals who want to obtain a Firearms Certificate for air rifles must also provide valid reasons for having one. These reasons may include pest control, target shooting, or sports shooting. The police force will assess the individual’s need for such a firearm and make a decision accordingly.

Age Restrictions

Age restrictions are an essential aspect of air rifle ownership in the UK. The minimum age to purchase, possess, or use an air rifle without supervision is 18 years old. This rule applies to both air rifles with muzzle energy below 12ft-lbs and rifles between 12ft-lbs and 40ft-lbs.

However, there is an exception for individuals aged between 14 and 17. They are allowed to use air rifles under direct supervision of a person aged 21 or over. The supervising individual must hold a valid Firearms Certificate and must be present at all times while the younger person is handling the air rifle. It is important to note that unsupervised possession of an air rifle is still restricted to individuals aged 18 or above.

To summarize, if you are looking to own an air rifle in the UK, it’s essential to acquire a Firearms Certificate and ensure compliance with age restrictions. These regulations aim to maintain safety and accountability while enabling individuals to enjoy the lawful use of air rifles.

Types Of Air Rifles Allowed In The Uk

Under UK law, various types of air rifles are permitted for use by individuals, each with its own set of regulations and requirements.


Spring-piston air rifles are one of the common types allowed in the UK and are powered by a spring mechanism that compresses air.

Pre-charged Pneumatic (pcp)

Pre-charged pneumatic (PCP) air rifles are another popular choice among enthusiasts, using compressed air stored in a reservoir.

Where Can Air Rifles Be Used

Are you thinking about getting an air rifle in the UK? Knowing where you can legally use an air rifle is essential to ensure that you stay within the bounds of the law. Understanding the rules and regulations surrounding the use of air rifles can help you enjoy this recreational activity responsibly. Let’s explore the different locations where air rifles can be used in the UK.

Private Property

Using an air rifle on private property in the UK is legal, provided that you have permission from the landowner. This includes your own land or someone else’s property where you have explicit consent to use the air rifle. It’s crucial to obtain permission in writing to avoid any misunderstanding. Always be mindful of safety and ensure that the area is suitable for shooting without posing a risk to others.

Designated Shooting Areas

Another place where air rifles can be legally used in the UK is designated shooting areas. These areas are specifically designated for air rifle shooting and often come with their own rules and regulations. It’s essential to check for any local restrictions or requirements before using your air rifle in these designated areas. Always adhere to the guidelines and respect the environment and local wildlife when using your air rifle.

Safety Guidelines For Air Rifle Use

Air rifles are popular among shooting enthusiasts in the UK, but it’s essential to adhere to safety guidelines to ensure responsible and safe usage of these firearms. By following proper storage regulations and handling practices, individuals can enjoy using air rifles while minimizing the risk of accidents.

Storage Regulations

When not in use, it’s crucial to store air rifles securely and safely. The law requires that air rifles must be stored in a safe and secure place, ideally in a locked gun cabinet or safe, preventing unauthorized access. This helps prevent accidents and keeps the firearms out of reach of children and individuals who are not authorized to handle them.

Proper Handling Practices

Handling an air rifle demands utmost care. Always ensure that the rifle is pointing in a safe direction, away from people. Additionally, it’s essential to keep the rifle’s safety catch engaged until you are ready to shoot, to prevent accidental firing. Furthermore, prior to usage, perform a safety check, ensuring that the rifle is in good working condition and free of any obstructions.

Penalties For Violating Air Rifle Laws

Air rifles are legal in the UK, but there are strict laws to ensure their safe use. Violating these laws can result in penalties such as fines, imprisonment, or the loss of the weapon. It’s important to understand and comply with the regulations to avoid legal trouble.

Air rifle laws in the UK are stringent to ensure safety and compliance. H3: Fines Violating air rifle laws can result in hefty fines up to £5,000. H3: Imprisonment In severe cases, individuals may face imprisonment for up to six months. It is crucial to adhere to regulations regarding air rifle usage to avoid serious consequences. Remember, ignorance of the law is not an excuse. Stay informed and abide by the rules.

Recent Changes In Air Rifle Legislation

Air rifles have long been a popular choice for shooting enthusiasts in the UK due to their versatility and ease of use. However, recent changes in air rifle legislation have brought about new rules and regulations that all air rifle owners need to be aware of. In this post, we will discuss the impact of these changes on owners and look into future predictions related to air rifle legality in the UK.

Impact On Owners

The recent changes in air rifle legislation have had a significant impact on owners across the UK. Previously, air rifles were not subject to any specific licensing requirements, and individuals aged 18 and over could purchase and possess these firearms without a license. However, the new legislation, which came into effect on 1st October 2021, has changed the landscape.

Here are some key points to consider:

  1. All air rifle owners must now possess a valid Air Weapon Certificate (AWC) to legally own and use an air rifle.
  2. Obtaining an AWC involves a thorough background check and assessment of the applicant’s suitability to possess an air rifle.
  3. Owners who already possessed an air rifle before the legislation came into effect were given a grace period until 31st March 2022 to apply for an AWC.
  4. Failure to comply with the new regulations can result in significant penalties, including fines and imprisonment.

These changes not only affect current air rifle owners, but also potential buyers who are now required to go through a legal process to obtain an AWC before purchasing an air rifle.

Future Predictions

The recent changes in air rifle legislation have sparked discussions about the future of air rifles in the UK. While it is challenging to predict with certainty, there are some possible future scenarios to consider:

  • Tighter Regulation: Some experts speculate that the current regulations are just the beginning, and further tightening of air rifle legislation may be on the horizon. This could include stricter licensing requirements, limitations on the types of air rifles available, and increased scrutiny of air rifle owners.
  • Impact on the Market: The new legislation may have an impact on the air rifle market in the UK. It is possible that some owners may choose to sell their air rifles due to the additional requirements and regulations. On the other hand, there may also be an increase in demand for air rifles as individuals rush to obtain them before potential future restrictions.
  • Educational Initiatives: As air rifle ownership becomes more regulated, there may be an increase in educational initiatives focused on safe and responsible air rifle use. These initiatives could include training programs, awareness campaigns, and resources to promote proper handling and storage of air rifles.

While these predictions offer some insight into the potential future of air rifles in the UK, it is important to remember that legislation can change, and new developments may arise. Keeping updated with the latest news and guidance from relevant authorities is crucial for all air rifle enthusiasts.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Are Air Rifles Legal In Uk

Are Air Rifles Legal In The Uk?

Yes, air rifles are legal in the UK, but they are subject to certain regulations. Anyone over 18 can possess and use an air rifle, but owning one under 18 requires parental permission and supervision.

What Are The Restrictions On Air Rifle Ownership?

There are restrictions on air rifle ownership in the UK. Individuals under 18 can only use air rifles under the supervision of someone over 18, and it is illegal to carry them in public areas without a valid reason.

Do I Need A License To Own An Air Rifle In The Uk?

No, you do not need a license to own an air rifle in the UK, as long as the air rifle meets certain requirements. However, it is essential to comply with the regulations set by the government.


Air rifles in the UK are legal within set guidelines. Understanding the laws and regulations surrounding air rifles is crucial. Owning an air rifle responsibly is essential for safety and compliance. Make sure to stay informed and enjoy air rifle shooting within the legal boundaries.

Happy shooting legally!

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