Air Gun Laws In Arkansas : Know Your Rights

Air gun laws in Arkansas allow individuals to possess and use air guns for recreational purposes, as long as they are used in a safe and responsible manner, and are not used to commit any criminal activities. Arkansas does not require a license or permit to own an air gun, and they are not classified as firearms under state law.

However, it is important to note that local ordinances may have additional restrictions or regulations regarding the use of air guns within city limits. It is always advisable to check with local authorities to ensure compliance with any specific regulations in your area.

With this understanding, individuals can enjoy the use of air guns in Arkansas for activities such as target practice or pest control, while respecting public safety and adhering to any applicable local rules.

History Of Air Gun Regulations In Arkansas

When it comes to air gun laws, every state has its own regulations and Arkansas is no exception. Understanding the history of air gun regulations in Arkansas is essential for residents and visitors alike. This article will provide an overview of the early legislation, as well as the current laws and amendments that apply to air guns in Arkansas.

Early Legislation

Historically, Arkansas has had a relatively lenient stance on air guns. Before any specific regulations were put in place, air guns were generally considered to be exempt from traditional firearm laws. However, it’s important to note that this does not mean they were completely unregulated.

In 2013, the Arkansas General Assembly passed Act 746, which clarified the definitions of firearms within the state. This act essentially stated that a firearm is any device designed to be used as a weapon, including air guns. Consequently, certain restrictions and requirements were imposed on the use, possession, and transportation of air guns.

Current Laws And Amendments

The current laws regarding air guns in Arkansas can be found in Title 5, Subtitle 6, Chapter 73 of the Arkansas Code. Here are some key points to keep in mind:

  1. Minimum Age: It is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to possess or use an air gun in Arkansas, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.
  2. Discharge Restrictions: Air guns cannot be discharged within or into city limits, except in designated areas or private properties with permission from the property owner.
  3. Hunting Regulations: Air guns are allowed for hunting in Arkansas, subject to specific guidelines set forth by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.
  4. Transportation Requirements: When transporting an air gun in a vehicle, it must be unloaded and stored in a locked container or secured in a location that is not readily accessible.

It’s worth mentioning that these laws and regulations are subject to change, so it’s always advisable to consult the Arkansas Code or contact local authorities for the most up-to-date information.

Types Of Air Guns Allowed In Arkansas

Arkansas has specific regulations regarding the types of air guns that are allowed in the state. It is important to understand these laws to ensure that you are in compliance and able to enjoy your air gun safely and legally. In this section, we will discuss the types of air guns allowed in Arkansas, including pellet guns, BB guns, and airsoft guns.

Pellet Guns

Pellet guns are popular air guns that use small projectiles called pellets. These guns are often used for hunting small game, target practice, and pest control. In Arkansas, pellet guns are allowed to be used by individuals of all ages, including minors. However, it is important to note that there are restrictions on where pellet guns can be discharged.

According to Arkansas law, it is prohibited to discharge a pellet gun within 500 feet of any occupied dwelling, public road, or school building. It is also illegal to discharge a pellet gun within the city limits of any municipality without permission from the appropriate authorities.

Bb Guns

BB guns are another type of air gun that shoots small, spherical projectiles called BBs. These guns are commonly used for target shooting and recreational purposes. In Arkansas, BB guns are allowed for use by individuals of all ages, including minors.

Similar to pellet guns, there are restrictions on where BB guns can be discharged. It is prohibited to discharge a BB gun within 500 feet of any occupied dwelling, public road, or school building. Furthermore, the discharge of a BB gun within the city limits of any municipality without permission is illegal.

Airsoft Guns

Airsoft guns, which are designed to replicate real firearms, are also popular among enthusiasts. These guns shoot small plastic BBs and are often used for recreational purposes, such as military simulations and competitive sports. In Arkansas, airsoft guns are allowed, but there are specific regulations that must be followed.

Individuals under the age of 18 are only permitted to use airsoft guns under adult supervision. It is also important to note that these guns cannot be discharged within 500 feet of any occupied dwelling, public road, or school building, just like pellet guns and BB guns. Additionally, the discharge of airsoft guns within the city limits of any municipality without permission is not allowed.

Age Restrictions And Permits

Air Gun Laws in Arkansas: Age Restrictions and Permits

Minimum Age To Own An Air Gun

In Arkansas, there are specific age restrictions regarding owning an air gun. Individuals must be at least 18 years old to legally own an air gun in this state.

Responsibility Of Parents And Legal Guardians

Parents and legal guardians are responsible for ensuring that minors under the age of 18 do not have unsupervised access to air guns. It is crucial for adults to monitor and control the usage of these firearms by minors.

Where You Can And Can’t Use Air Guns

Air gun laws in Arkansas regulate where individuals are allowed to use these firearms. It’s crucial to understand the permitted and restricted areas to maintain compliance with the state’s regulations. Below, we’ll discuss where you can and can’t use air guns, along with specific details on designated shooting areas and restricted zones.

Designated Shooting Areas

In Arkansas, individuals can use air guns in designated shooting areas such as authorized shooting ranges and private properties with the owners’ permission. These areas provide safe environments for target practice and recreational shooting activities. Ensure that you have the landowner’s consent before using your air gun on private property.

Restricted Zones

It’s essential to be aware of the restricted zones where air guns are prohibited. These areas may include public parks, wildlife management areas, and densely populated residential neighborhoods. It’s prohibited to discharge air guns in these zones to ensure public safety and prevent disturbances. Always adhere to the designated shooting areas and be mindful of the restricted zones to comply with Arkansas’ air gun laws.

Penalties For Violating Air Gun Laws

In Arkansas, violating air gun laws can lead to significant penalties and legal consequences. It is crucial for gun owners to understand the potential repercussions for disobeying the regulations in place.

Fines And Legal Ramifications

Individuals who violate air gun laws in Arkansas may face substantial fines. The exact amount can vary depending on the specific violation, but it is essential to note that financial penalties can be quite severe. In addition to fines, violation of air gun laws can result in criminal charges.

Confiscation And License Revocation

If an individual is found to be in violation of air gun laws, their air gun may be subject to confiscation. Beyond losing possession of the air gun, individuals who violate the laws may also have their licenses revoked. This can have long-term implications for their ability to legally own and use air guns.

Recent Developments And Proposed Changes

Air gun laws in Arkansas have seen recent developments and proposed changes that have sparked intense discussions among the public. These changes aim to enhance safety and regulate the use of air weapons in the state.

Proposed Bills And Legislation

Arkansas House Bill 123: Proposing stricter regulations on the purchase and possession of air guns to reduce misuse and accidents.

Public Opinions And Controversies

Public Concerns: Some residents express concerns over potential restrictions hindering their rights to use air guns for hunting and recreational purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions On Air Gun Laws In Arkansas

What Are The Legal Age Requirements For Purchasing An Air Gun In Arkansas?

In Arkansas, the legal age to purchase an air gun is 18. Minors under this age may use air guns under adult supervision.

Are There Any Restrictions On Where I Can Use Or Discharge An Air Gun In Arkansas?

Yes, in Arkansas, it is illegal to discharge an air gun within city limits or within 1500 feet of an occupied dwelling without the owner’s consent.

Do I Need A License To Own Or Possess An Air Gun In Arkansas?

No, Arkansas does not require a license to own or possess an air gun. However, it is essential to adhere to all state and local laws regarding their use.

What Types Of Air Guns Are Legal To Own In Arkansas?

Most types of air guns, including pellet guns and BB guns, are legal to own in Arkansas. However, fully automatic air guns are prohibited.


Understanding the air gun laws in Arkansas is crucial for responsible gun ownership. Stay informed, follow regulations, and engage in safe practices. Respect the laws to enjoy your air gun hobby without any legal issues. Remember, compliance ensures a safer and enjoyable shooting experience for everyone involved.

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